
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ramblings in the Strauss House

Here are the thoughts of each family member on the beginning of our journey and our first week of changes:

Michael's Thoughts: 

This is our life unscripted. No gimmicks, no facade, just us, up front and personal. We were headed down a road to excessive everything (eating, spending, etc.). This is our promise to ourselves, and more importantly, our kids. If we don't start
changing the way we live, not just what we eat, then we might not be around to watch our kids grow into the people we are teaching them to be. We have to change our lifestyle with them, and in the process we are teaching them to live better. I want to be able to watch them grow up and look back at this and say we gave them the greatest gift a parent can give their child, a long and healthy life. Rant over...

Dawn's Thoughts: 

This week has been stuffed full of new adventures. Along with us taking steps to change our lives for the better, we celebrated the ending of a great year, and the beginning of a new one. Our kids tried new foods that, just a week ago, I would have told you there is NO WAY they would eat that! I'm really hoping, that the steps we are taking along with this blog, will keep us on track and accountable for our choices. What this past week symbolizes is a family, finding strength to take a different path in life not only for the individual benefits, but also the happiness in a family unit.

Bug's Thoughts: 

"I feel fit! But I'm nervous that we skipped a few family workouts. I like fish now too!"

Spunk's Thoughts: 

"I want OUT. SIDE."

Bubs' Thoughts: (as interpreted by Dawn) 

"That block looks good, I'll chew on that. And I like my nom-noms"

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